Tagged “gan”
Experiments with Swapping Autoencoder
Many fun things you can do with a model that breaks images into style and content components
Style Space Face Editing
A runway app to make silly face edits using the StyleSpace of StyleGAN
Making Toonify Yourself
The story of deploying a deep neural network to the cloud and Toonifying tens of thousands of images an hour.
Toonify yourself
Use StyleGAN model blending to find your Pixar self
StyleGAN network blending
Mixing GAN models for weird and wonderful effects
CakeGAN 🍰
Baking imaginary cakes with StyleGAN
Awesome Pretrained StyleGAN
A repository of pre-trained models for StyleGAN 1 and 2
MATLAB StyleGAN Playground 🙃
An implementation of StyleGAN in MATLAB
Ukiyo-e Yourself with StyleGAN 2
Transforming normal faces to Ukiyo-e style portraits using Generative Adversarial Networks
MATLAB pix2pix 🏢
Image to image translation with GANs
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